Join The Team

All enrolled undergraduate students are eligible to apply for membership. The application process consists of a written application and an interview.

Apply Now!

We will notify you about interview invitations after we have evaluated your application.

During our recruitment cycles, we table on Sproul Plaza and host two information sessions. Our website and Instagram will be updated to reflect upcoming recruitment events.

Our written application centers around argument construction. After choosing 1 of the 5 provided prompts, you will write well-reasoned arguments for or against the prompt. If you are selected for an interview, you will be asked to choose 1 out of 5 topic areas (economics, social justice, international relations, philosophy, and arts & culture). We will select a prompt within your selected topic area and you will be asked to present a short impromptu speech for or against the prompt.

If accepted, all recruited members without 1 or more years of British Parliamentary debate experience will be required to enroll in the British Parliamentary Debate DeCal—taught by our very own executive board members. In Spring 2025, the British Parliamentary Debate DeCal will be held on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Spring 2025 Recruitment Schedule

Date Event Location Time
1/14 Application Opens Online 12 AM
1/27 Info Session 1 Online 7-9 PM
1/29 Info Session 2 bNorth 82D 4-6 PM
1/31 Application Deadline Online 11:59 PM
2/1 Interview Invitations Online 11:59 PM
2/3 - 2/7 Interviews In-Person 20 Mins
2/8 All Decisions Released Online 11:59 PM